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Sustainability at the University of Bayreuth

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Initiatives and university groups

student initiatives

Clothes swap partyHide
Kleidertauschparty von oikos Bayreuth im Glashaus

The clothes swap party of oikos Bayreuth e.V. and Glashaus e.V. is about counteracting the new purchase of (cheap) clothes and finding a new owner for neglected clothes in the closet. In this way, you can get rid of old things that you no longer want to wear and at the same time find new, suitable clothes for the upcoming season.

Once a semester, you can browse through mountains of clothes at the Glass House while enjoying coffee and cake. And all that without money. Just hand in your clothes, get your stamps and trade them in again! In order to prevent too much clothing chaos, a maximum of 10 items of clothing should be brought along. In addition, the textiles should be in perfect condition. At the last clothes swap party, a small bike service was additionally offered in front of the oikos glass house. Here you could have your bicycle chain oiled and your tires inflated for free.

The next date can be found at the beginning of each semester on the homepage of oikos Bayreuth e.V.

Campus vegetablesHide

Campus Gemüse Bayreuth

The initiative "Campus Gemüse Bayreuth" sells fresh, regional vegetables from the Bayreuth prison. The stand with bags full of healthy vegetables can be found on Wednesdays from 11:30 a.m. in front of GW I. A bag should cost 3-4 euros, whereby you determine the price!

On Facebook and Instagram, Campus Gemüse reveals which vegetables await you in the new week, gives tips on how to prepare as yet unknown vegetables and announces when the sale will take place.

oikos Bayreuth e. V.Hide
Kleidertauschparty von oikos Bayreuth im Glashaus

Oikos is the student organization for Sustainable Economics and Management. As part of oikos International, we at oikos Bayreuth e.V. are a group of students from various disciplines who organize and carry out projects on the subject of sustainability.

Our goals: Raising awareness of opportunities and challenges in the field of sustainable management, and integrating sustainability issues into education, especially into higher education in economics.

Oikos can also be found on Facebook and Instagram!

An Oikos project, for example, was the Mobile Unigarten: Until 2016, the Mobile Unigarten (MUG) stood at the canteen bus stop every spring to autumn. The raised beds were built by Oikos with the support of the ÖBG (advice as well as substrate and plant material) and stored on the ÖBG site during the winter. Oikos planted the beds and cared for them during the summer. All plants were signposted with name and use. The raised beds were an eye-catcher next to the bus stop due to the colorful planting and the benches individually made of pallets. In July, a summer party organized by Oikos with samples of the harvest took place at the raised beds.

Studierende vom Papierpilz an der Universität Bayreuth

It happens faster than you think. One click, and the entire term paper is printed, even in the wrong font size. What now? At Papierpilz Bayreuth, anyone can make a beautiful new college block out of one-sided misprinted paper and thus save the leaves from their certain "death" in the recycle bin! So everyone who feels like it designs their individual block in the shortest possible time and also does Mother Nature a favor.

We guarantee a lot of fun and a clear conscience for so much environmental awareness! On campus, you will find paper mushroom collection points for recyclable paper on almost all printing devices , which are easily accessible even during the lockdown. From spring 2021, papier mushroom will once again be open to the public in the TransitionCafé. More information can be found on transition-bayreuth.de/papierpilz or on Facebook.

Mobiler UnigardenHide
Mobiler Unigarten von oikos Bayreuth an der Bushaltestelle Uni Bayreuth

The Mobile Unigarten (MUG) was located at the Mensa bus stop every spring to fall until 2016. The raised beds were built by oikos Bayreuth e.V. with support from the ÖBG (advice as well as substrate and plant material) and stored on the ÖBG grounds over the winter. oikos Bayreuth e.V. planted the beds and maintained them during the summer. All plants were labeled with names and uses.

The raised beds were an eye-catcher next to the bus stop due to the colorful planting and the benches individually made from pallets. In July, a summer festival organized by oikos took place at each of the raised beds with tastings of the harvest.

Permaculture bed in the ÖBGHide
Permakulturbeet von Studierenden der Uni Bayreuth im ÖBG

The permaculture bed in the Ecological Botanical Garden (ÖBG) is planted, cared for and harvested by a group of students with a love of gardening. For years, the bed has been passed on from generation to generation among the students. The ÖBG provides an area in the crop garden and supports the students by providing garden tools, surplus early plants and horticultural know-how.

The principle of permaculture is based on the cultivation of the widest possible variety of vegetables and fruits in order to ensure a long-term, balanced use of the soil. On the permaculture bed, the students try out different methods and thus gain experience. The "slightly different" bed is recognizable by the different cultivation methods from the hill bed to a potato pyramid, stone walls and a herbal spiral to the polytunne. In addition, it is not planted here in rows and separately by species, but the different species are grown mixed.

The student group is always looking for new interested parties in order to be able to maintain and look after the bed in the future. If you are interested, you can contact us at permakultur.oebg@gmx.de.


ENACTUS is a university group with a focus on sustainable entrepreneurship. As an international and non-profit organization, it aims to contribute to a social and environmentally friendly economy. Students from all disciplines should be given the opportunity to become sustainably entrepreneurial and to implement their own project ideas. Innovative, social and sustainable projects are to be realized in various teams.

You can find out more about ENACTUS on the website or on Instagram.


The UNICEF university group campaigns for children's rights worldwide.

You can find more information on Instagram.

Logo LBV Hochschulgruppe

The university group of the Landesverbund für Vogel- und Naturschutz e.V. is committed to the protection of species and biotopes in Upper Franconia. The tasks of the committed conservationists include the maintenance of their own biotopes, such as meadow orchards or moors, the protection of amphibians and environmental education work.
You can find more information on the website or on Instagram.


The Amnesty Bayreuth university group campaigns for human rights. It uses various event formats to educate and raise awareness on this topic.
The group currently meets every Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Evangelische Studierendengemeinde (Richard-Wagnerstraße 24).

The members can be reached at kontakt@amnesty-bayreuth.de.
More information can be found here.

Technik ohne GrenzenHide
Logo Technik ohne Grenzen

The members of the Technology without Borders group focus on the topic of development cooperation. The Bayreuth regional group is currently working primarily on the topics of plastic recycling and access to drinking water in the West African country of Ghana. One current project is concerned with the regeneration of wells in various villages and the recycling of plastic waste in Ghanaian schools.

The group currently meets during the lecture period on Wednesdays at 5:30 pm in the FAN B building at the University of Bayreuth.

More information, donation options and contact details can be found here.


As a volunteer-run workshop, the RadBox offers help for self-help when repairing bicycles. In addition to a helping hand, they provide space, tools and (used) spare parts. The workshop is located on the campus grounds in front of the Glashaus. The volunteers are always happy to welcome new members to their team. Your own bicycle-related project ideas are also welcome here.

More information can be found here or on Instagram.

Students for future Hide

Students for Future are students at colleges and universities in German-speaking countries. They are fighting against the climate crisis and are committed to more climate protection. As part of Fridays for Future, they are organized internationally, non-partisan, autonomously and decentrally.
The local group in Bayreuth mainly organizes and supports demonstrations and other protest or solidarity actions for a climate-friendly future.

You can find more information about the group on Instagram.

Sustainability Working Group Hide

The Sustainability Working Group (AK N) is part of the Student Parliament and the University of Bayreuth. Its members work to establish structures on campus that promote ecological sustainability and are based on the sustainability strategy of the University of Bayreuth, which the AK N helped to develop. In addition, the committed members organize the Sustainability Week once a year. The AK N is made up of students from all disciplines and semesters.

For more information, take a look at Instagram.

Initiatives for sustainability in Bayreuth

Klimawald BayreuthHide

The concept of the Bayreuth Climate Forest proposes to equip our forests with diverse and futureoriented tree species in order to increase their resilience and maintain ecosystem services in the long term. There are currently three major threats to German forests:

  • Low biodiversity (still too many spruce-pine monocultures)

  • Due to climate change, increasingly long and intensive dry periods.

  • The speed of climate change exceeds the natural adaptability and speed of spread of trees.

The climate forest model is a holistic approach to dealing with these threats.

  • Thinning to reduce competition and water stress.

  • Planting different tree species to spread the risk and increase resilience.

  • Future-oriented species selection with regard to climate change scenarios

All information about the climate forest and how you can get involved can be found on the Klimawald website.

Flickwerk BayreuthHide

The patchwork supports all cyclists with extensive tooling and experience in major and minor repairs. Here you can learn to repair damage to the bike yourself in order to be safe on the bike regardless of financial circumstances and in the long run. More information and opening hours can be found on the website of the TransitionHaus Bayreuth.

the Summer e.V.Hide

The young Bayreuth association "Summer in der City" is committed to an insect-friendly Bayreuth and more biodiversity. In various ways, the members want to integrate nature in the city, so that biodiversity is preserved and insect biomass can increase again.

Under the motto "We don't just talk, we tackle it", many students are active in projects such as. Bayreuth's insect-friendly natural garden. If you would like to participate and learn more, please contact us at: mail@summerindercity.de Or take a look at the homepage.


Forum1.5 is a network for all those who are committed to a climatefriendly future in the Upper Franconia region. The aim of forum1.5 is to bring together as many actors as possible from all areas of society in order to work together on climate protection in Bayreuth and the Upper Franconia region. Central to forum1.5 are the semi-annual events, in spring and autumn (Wandelwoche). Behind forum1.5 is a research project of the Department of Urban and Regional Development at the University of Bayreuth funded by the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection.

Together with the TransitionHaus, forum1.5 offers a common calendar for all events and activities in the field of ecological and social change for the Bayreuth Change Initiatives. More information can be found on forum1punkt5.de.

Transition haus

The TransitionHaus is a joint project of many people and initiatives in Bayreuth and is committed to a sustainable and solidary future and to shape social and ecological change. Thus, the goal was set to network existing and emerging initiatives, cultural events and sustainable consumption.

Together with forum1.5, the TransitionHaus offers a common calendar for all events and activities in the field of ecological-social change for the Bayreuth Change Initiatives. More information can be found at transition-bayreuth.de.

Sneep e.V.Hide

Sneep – student network for ethics in economics and practice – is the student network for business and corporate ethics. Sneep has set itself the goal of stimulating an exchange on sustainable economic activity in theory and practice through student discourse on questions of economic and business ethics. Sneep wants to encourage students to think outside the boundaries of "classical economics" and thus show possibilities for a modern economy in the 21st century.

More information is available at sneep.info.

Foodsharing BayreuthHide

Foodsharing is an initiative against food waste that was founded in Cologne in 2012. About a third of all globally produced food is not consumed, but disposed of by manufacturers, intermediaries and end consumers. In addition to the food that could be supplied to starving people worldwide, a lot of energy is also wasted through production, transport and storage.

There are now more than 20,000 so-called foodsavers throughout Germany, which regularly master around a thousand pick-ups per day. The local group Bayreuth exists since spring 2014 and currently has about 120 active members and nine company cooperations. In order to become a foodsaver yourself, you have to register for food sharing. After a short introduction, leftover food can then be saved in various participating companies in Bayreuth. More information can be found on foodsharing.de or transition-bayreuth.de

Hamsterbacke e.V.Hide

The Hamsterbacke initiative group has set itself the task of making the food supply in and around Bayreuth more regional, ecological and unpackaged with the help of the unpackaged store. As a producer-consumer association, they offer an alternative to food waste and packaging waste as well as long transportation routes and a lack of transparency regarding the origin of food. The concept of the store is based on cooperative financing and relies on close collaboration with the producers.
The members of Hamsterbacken e.V. invite you to volunteer in one of their working groups, such as education, finance or public relations.

You can find more information here.

People for Animal Rights Bayreuth e.V.Hide

The association was founded in 2010 and has been campaigning for the rights of all animals ever since. Members want to educate people about animal rights and inform them about a vegan lifestyle. An important concern of the association is to educate people about mass and livestock farming.

You can get to know the committed members every first Tuesday of the month.

You can find more information here.

Klimaentscheid BayreuthHide

Klimaentscheid Bayreuth has joined the umbrella organization GermanZero. This supports climate decisions nationwide in making local politics more climate-friendly. Klimaentscheid Bayreuth is committed to ensuring that Bayreuth becomes climate-neutral as quickly as possible. To achieve this, the members work with legal means, are present at demonstrations or hold talks with politicians. One of the group's current projects is to support the planned conversion of Bismarckstrasse and Erlangerstrasse into bicycle-friendly streets.

Klimaentscheid currently meets every Wednesday evening.

For more information, check here or on Instagram.


The members of Greenpeace campaign for peace and climate and environmental protection in and around Bayreuth. Among other things, they support protest organizations, hold educational events and organize waste collection campaigns.
The Bayreuth local group meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 19:00 online or in the environmental office in the Transitionhaus. Everyone is cordially invited!

For more information, take a look at Instagram.

BUND NaturschutzHide

BUND Nature Conservation is committed to preserving the natural basis of life for humans, animals and plants. It is committed to comprehensive and sustainable nature and environmental protection. To this end, its members carry out educational and research work, measures to protect nature and the countryside as well as work with children and young people to bring them into contact with nature.
Support is always welcome!

You can find more information on the BUND Naturschutz website.

Initiatives for sustainability in the area

Klein Eden Tropenhaus am RennsteigHide

In 2011, the Klein-Eden project started in Kleintettau (Franconian Forest, Kronach district). Industrial

waste heat from Heinz-Glas is used to heat a greenhouse in order to produce tropical fears, such as mango, bananas and papaya, according to organic standards for the regional market. The ÖBG accompanies the project scientifically and investigates, among other things, how the yield and quality of fruits such as the "Lulo" can be improved. More information can be found on www.tropenhaus-am-rennsteig.de

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