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Ginkgo biloba (Familie Ginkgogewächse, Ginkgoaceae)

Distribution: Natural occurrences probably exist only in southeastern China. As an ornamental tree, the ginkgo is now widespread almost worldwide.

Appearance: In cultivation up to nearly 30 m high tree. Although related to the conifers as gymnospermous plants (gymnosperms), the typical and distinctive fan-like and usually two-lobed leaves are deciduous and deciduous.

The ginkgo is the last survivor of a plant group that was very rich in species about 200 million years ago. Therefore, it is considered a "living fossil". It can become over 1000 years old. The trees have the lowest demands on their location and are almost not attacked by pests. Therefore, the ginkgo is ideal for urban greenery. The species is dioecious, the trees flower either male or female. Male individuals are usually planted, as the seeds emit an unpleasant, penetrating odor after they drop. However, the core of the seeds, the "ginkgo nut", is edible.

gelbe Herbstfärbung des Ginkos

Ginkgoes are also attractive in autumn because of the bright yellow autumn color of their leaves (Photo: G. Aas)

grüne Ginkosamen

Ginkgosamen haben eine fleischige Hülle, ihr Kern ist essbar (Foto: G. Aas)

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