As one of the most beautiful campus universities in Germany, our green campus is not only highly valued by our students and employees, but is also used by the citizens of Bayreu as a popular area for walking, jogging and lingering.
In the course of the sustainability strategy, our goal is to make our beautiful campus even greener and more livable. With #UBTrees, we are building on an already existing tradition on campus: In the past, various planting campaigns have already taken place on initiatives and donations from members of the university family, including e.B. the orchard meadow of Mr. Thomas Dabisch and the flowering plant beds of Prof. Dr. Christian Laforsch. Under the name #UBTrees, we are now planning tree planting campaigns on the university campus at regular intervals. For the trees adapted to the locations and the changed climate conditions, planting and care sponsorships can be taken over.
Tree planting campaigns took place in both spring 2021 and spring 2023. A total of 30 sponsorships were awarded as a result.
Our Trees
Ilex aquifolium |
Liquidambar styr. | |
Quercus cerris | |
Acer campestre | |
Sorbus torminalis | |
Sorbus domestica | |
Ginkgo biloba | |
Koelreutheria pan. | |
| |
Acer monspes. | |
Acer opalus |